Massive New Orleans Mansion

Aaaaaaaand the award for house that’s so big it almost won’t fit in my picture goes toooooo……..drum roll please……the Bosworth-Hammond House in New Orleans! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

This massive beauty was built in 1860 for Abel Bosworth and his wife, Rachel. It was later bought by the Hammond family and the house remained in their family until 1979. It fell into disrepair and eventually ended up on Louisiana’s Most Endangered Places list in 2000, but was saved and fully restored in 2007! This home is only one of two surviving residential homes in New Orleans that Thomas Wharton designed. The rest have all been destroyed by fire. The second picture is from 1893.

I think I could handle sitting on that top balcony enjoying the shade and a cup of coffee. How about you?

Taken 1893 – New Orleans, Louisiana
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